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Des traductions sont fournies pour aider les utilisateurs. Veuillez noter que toutes les données saisies dans le système doivent l'être uniquement en anglais.
Project Name: | Regional Water Supply System Expansion (Project II) |
EBRD Project ID: | 50612 |
Country: | Montenegro |
ECEPP ID: | 9951514 |
Procurement Exercise Name: | Financial and Operational Performance Implementation Programme (FOPIP) |
Procurement Method: | Consultancy Single Stage Open |
Business Sector: | Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure |
Notice Type: | Ebrd Contract Award Notice |
Publication Date: | 22/12/2020 10:20 |
Opportunity Status | |
This opportunity is for information purposes only |
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This opportunity is not yet open for response |
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This opportunity is now open for response |
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This opportunity is now closed for response |
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Access Opportunity | |
This opportunity is for information purposes only | |
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly. |
Tender/Contract Reference No: 9951514: Financial and Operational Performance Implementation Programme (FOPIP)
Scope Of Contract: The overall objective of the Assignment is to improve the Company’s operational efficiency and financial management in order to improve and strengthen its capacity to provide high quality water and sewerage services. Particular focus will be given to secondary water supply and wastewater network and water retail sale management.
Duration of Contract: 12 months
Contract Award Date: 13/11/2020
Awarded Tenderer(s):
Parc de l’île - 15/27, rue du Port
Nanterre Cedex
Proposal Price (in evaluation currency): EUR 197,025.00
Proposal Price (Euro Equivalent): € 197,025.00
Is this a JVCA: No
Evaluated Tenderer(s):
Consortium of Budapest Waterworks, AAM Management Ltd. and Hungarian Eurowater Ltd.
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Budapest Waterworks Private Company Limited by Shares
Vaci ut 182
Budapest, Hungary, 1138
Lead partner: Yes
AAM Management Information Consulting Private Company Limited by Shares
Vaci ut 76.
Budapest, Hungary, 1133
Lead partner: No
Hungarian Eurowater Construction and Supplier Limited Liability Company
Brundl arok 3,
Budapest, Hungary, 1037
Lead partner: No
Consortium: Deloitte d.o.o. Beograd, Moravčević, Vojnović & Partneri OAD and Beohidro d.o.o. Beograd
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Deloitte d.o.o. Beograd
Terazije 8
Belgrade, Serbia, 11000
Lead partner: Yes
Moravčević, Vojnović & Partneri Ortačko Advokatsko Društvo Beograd
Bulevar vojvode Bojovića 6-8
Belgrade, Serbia, 11000
Lead partner: No
Beohidro d.o.o. Beograd
11a Skender Begova Street
Belgrade, Serbia, 11000
Lead partner: No
Corporate Solutions - HEIS
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Corporate Solutions Consulting Ltd.
23 Ladysmith Road, Unit 2
Harrow, United Kingdom, HA3 5FE
Lead partner: Yes
Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo
Stjepana Tomića 1
Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 71000
Lead partner: No
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
C.&S. DI GIUSEPPE Ingegneri Associati S.r.l.
Via Cavour n.45
Palombaro, Italy, 66010
Lead partner: Yes
Lungotevere Delle Navi,30
Roma, Italy, 00196
Lead partner: No
Serdara Jola Piletica 8
Podgorica, Montenegro, 81000
Lead partner: No
Joint venture EY Serbia with EY Croatia and Abcons d.o.o.
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Ernst & Young d.o.o. Belgrade, Serbia
Antifašističke borbe 13a, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia, 11070
Lead partner: Yes
Ernst & Young Savjetovanje d.o.o. Zagreb
Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia, 10000
Lead partner: No
Abkons d.o.o. Belgrade
Majke Jevrosime 38, Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Serbia, 11000
Lead partner: No
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH
Tuerkenstrasse 9
Vienna, Austria, 1090
Lead partner: Yes
PPG Društvo za projektovanje i građenje d.o.o
Bulevar Meše Selimovića 81A
Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 71000
Lead partner: No
Enova d.o.o
Podgaj, 14/I
Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 71000
Lead partner: No
Trnjanska 37
Zagreb, Croatia, 10000
Lead partner: No
Majone & Partners; PW Advisory & Capital Services Italia S.r.l.; Vania Paccagnan; Nemertis Limited; Luigi Bongiovanni
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Majone and Partners S.r.l.,
via Vigilio Inama 7
Milano, Italy, 20133
Lead partner: Yes
PW Advisory & Capital Services Italia S.r.l.
via Ticino No. 7
Rome, Italy, 00198
Lead partner: No
Vania Paccagnan
Schloesselgasse 1 – 2
Wien, Austria, 1080
Lead partner: No
Nemertis Limited
3 West Craibstone Street, Bon-Accord Square
Aberdeen, United Kingdom, AB11 6YW
Lead partner: No
Luigi Bongiovanni
via Alberico II, 4
Rome, Italy, 00193
Lead partner: No
Posch & Partner GmbH in association with Inspirium doo
Is this a JVCA: Yes
JVCA Details:
Posch & Partner GmbH
Sebastian Kneipp Weg, 17
Innsbruck, Austria, 6020
Lead partner: Yes
Inspirium doo
J.Gagarina 140
Belgrade, Serbia, 11070
Lead partner: No
30 rue Madeleine VIONNET
Is this a JVCA: No