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Tunisia: Southern Oases Hydraulic Infrastructure

General Procurement Notice

Project Name: Southern Oases Hydraulic Infrastructure
EBRD Project ID: 49250
Country: Tunisia
Type of Procurement: Works,Consultancy
Business Sector: Infra TMEA
Notice Type: General Procurement Notice
Publication Date: 06/04/2022 11:04
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a General Procurement Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

General Procurement Notice

1. Funding Details

The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named project.

Additional financing information:
Total Project Value: 63,300,000
EBRD Finance: 49,000,000
External: 14,300,000

2. Information on the Project

Project Description:
A sovereign loan to the GoT to modernise the hydraulic infrastructure of the four southern governorates (namely Gabes, Gafsa, Kebili and Tozeur) by financing the replacement and renovation of deep drillings and associated infrastructure within a wide oases regeneration programme. The Project aims to restore and enhance the resilience of 34 oases ecosystems and to improve access to water for irrigation agriculture.

Estimated Total Project Value


Procurement Type

Estimated Start Date of Procurement

3. Other Information

Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and are open for participation for firms from any country, unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.

Procurement under this project will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). If you intend to participate in any procurement under this project, please ensure that you have registered in ECEPP ( Registered entities will be notified directly when any procurement opportunities are published.

4. Client Address
Direction Générale du Génie Rural et d'Exploitation des Eaux
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche
30, Rue Alain Savary , Tunis le Belvédère
Tel. +216 52 040 805