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Tajikistan: Rehabilitation of the existing sewage collectors, 3,17 km, 600-800mm

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Project Name: Khatlon Water Rehabilitation
EBRD Project ID: 43257
Country: Tajikistan
Client Name: State Unitary Enterprise Khojagii Manziliyu Kommunali
ECEPP ID: 15261753
Procurement Exercise Name: Rehabilitation of the existing sewage collectors, 3,17 km, 600-800mm
Procurement Method: Open Tender Single Stage
Business Sector: Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure
Notice Type: Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Publication Date: 17/06/2021 14:21
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Tender/Contract Reference No: 15261753: Rehabilitation of the existing sewage collectors, 3,17 km, 600-800mm

Scope Of Contract: Rehabilitation of the existing sewage collectors, 3,17 km, 600-800mm

Duration of Contract: 365 days

Contract Award Date: 27/05/2021

Awarded Tenderer(s):

LLC "Khurshedi Khorazm"
Rumi district, Khatlon region, Jamoat Issaev, Nagornaya street 1, Head office: Dushanbe city, Sino district
Dushanbe city, Jabbor Rasulov street 10

Tender price at tender opening: USD 888,000.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 816,811.66
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 669,520.09
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): USD 816,811.66
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 669,520.09

Is this a JVCA: No

Evaluated Tenderer(s):

CJSC Monolit-05
Sh.Shohin district, Khatlon region, Republic of Tajikistan

Tender price at tender opening: USD 964,623.59
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 964,623.59
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 790,677.84
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No

Limited Liability Company Asil Sokhtmon
Republic of Tajikistan
Dushanbe city

Tender price at tender opening: USD 1,459,909.84
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 1,459,909.84
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 1,196,651.59
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No

Limited Liability Company “Ganjinai Bunyodkor”
Tajikistan, Dushanbe city, st. Kutuzov pr-3, a-3

Tender price at tender opening: USD 1,397,053.88
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 1,390,068.61
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 1,139,404.48
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No

LLC "Obi dehot" and LLC "Navruz-01"

Tender price at tender opening: USD 0.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 913,033.03
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 748,390.34
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: Yes

JVCA Details:
Limited Liability Company Obi Dehot
Sharq street, Tajikistan
Dangara, Tajikistan, 735320
Lead partner: Yes
Limited Liability Company "Navruz-01"
Makaev street, Tajikistan
Dangara, Tajikistan, 735320
Lead partner: No

LLC Navruz-2003
109, Somoni street, Temurmalik district, Khatlon Region, Republic of Tajikistan

Tender price at tender opening: USD 1,464,682.83
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): USD 1,464,682.83
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 1,200,563.89
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No