Contract Notice Addendum
Date of Addendum: 16/07/2021
Reason for Addendum: In consideration of requests received from Participants for an extension of time allowed for 1st Stage Tender submittal for the above project, the Client has considered the requests and grants the following:
The date for receipt of 1st Stage Tenders from Participants is extended to 23 August 2021.
In making this change, the Client grants the additional time for submission of the 1st Stage Tender on the condition that this would not impact the overall tender schedule (the end date for contract award to the successful Tenderer remains unchanged at December 2021).
Nature of Addendum: Deadline Extension
Client Address:
Mr. Nicolae TRANTEA
CNE Cernavoda, a subsidiary of S.N. Nuclearelectrica S.A.
Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A.
Strada Polona, nr. 65, sector 1
Tel. +40241802536