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Montenegro: Balance of Plant works contract

Invitation For Tenders Two Stage

Project Name: Gvozd Wind Farm
EBRD Project ID: 50427
Country: Montenegro
Client Name: Green Gvozd d.o.o.
ECEPP ID: 20603110
Procurement Exercise Name: Balance of Plant works contract
Procurement Exercise Description: Balance of Plant works contract
Type of Procurement: Works
Procurement Method: Open Tender Two Stage
Business Sector: Power and Energy
Notice Type: Invitation For Tenders Two Stage
Publication Date: 15/09/2023 10:03
Issue Date: 14/09/2023 00:00
Closing Date: 03/11/2023 14:00
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is now closed for response
This opportunity is now closed for all supplier responses. Please refer to the closing date noted on this page.

Invitation For Tenders Two Stage

1. Funding Details

The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named contract(s).

Additional financing information:
It is expected that the EBRD will fully finance the project providing a Loan to EPCG of around EUR 82 million.

2. Information on the Procurement Exercise

Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and are open for participation for firms from any country, unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.

The type of contract and the procurement method is stated above. A full description of the procurement exercise is available within the documentation and is available free of charge in ECEPP.

The documentation will include such information as: detailed technical and financial requirements; any information on lots; the expected outcome; eligibility and qualification requirements; contract start date; planned contract duration; any response requirements; any other relevant information.

This procurement exercise will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). Prospective participants can access the procurement exercise by clicking on the below link or on the 'Access Opportunity' button (if viewing this notice on ECEPP). Registered participants may log in and access the documentation immediately and unregistered participants may do so after completing a brief registration:

3. Other Information
“Green Gvozd” (hereinafter the Employer), a company established by the laws of Montenegro, with its shareholder “Elektroprivreda Crne Gore” AD Nikšić, intends to use part of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter EBRD or the Bank), towards the cost of construction of the Wind Farm “Gvozd” (hereinafter the Project), which will be located in the area of Gvozd village, 60km north from Montenegrin capital, Podgorica. The Project, with an output capacity of 54.6MW, at the point of common coupling, will comprise of the following:
- up to (and including) thirteen Wind Turbine Generators (subject to Applicant’s proposed technical solution);
- internal road infrastructure;
- civil structures (foundations, crane pads, temporary storage areas);
- internal medium voltage cable and overhead lines;
- substation 33/110kV “Gvozd”;
- extension of the existing substation 33/110kV “Krnovo”;
- 110kV overhead line Gvozd – Krnovo;
- 110kV overhead line Gvozd – Nikšić 1, including the reconstruction of the OHL 110kV Nikšić 1 – Bileća (BIH);
- extension of the existing substation 110/35kV “Nikšić 1”.

The Employer ensured the Procurement under this Project will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP, Registered entities will be notified directly when any procurement opportunities are published.

The implementation of this Project is split in five groups, i.e., procurement procedures.

Group 1: Wind turbines – subject of separate Procurement procedure
- Turbine Supply and Installation Agreement
- Operation & Maintenance Agreement

Group 2: Balance of Plant – subject of this Procurement procedure
- Internal medium voltage network (overhead lines, cable and fiber optic grid)
- Internal roads
- Civil works for the foundations, crane pads and temporary storage area(s)

Group 3: Connection Works – subject of separate Procurement procedure
- Substation 33/110kV “Gvozd” (excluding the Power Transformer)
- Extension of the s/s 110/33kV “Krnovo”
- Construction of the 110kV OHL Gvozd – Krnovo
- Construction of the 110kV OHL Gvozd – Nikšić 1, including the reconstruction of the OHL 110kV Nikšić 1 – Bileća (BIH)
- Extension of the s/s 110/35kV “Nikšić 1”

Group 4: Procurement of the Power Transformer - subjet of separate Procurement procedure (extruded from the Connection Works)

Group 5: Owner's Engineer and Supervision Consultancy services – subject of separate Procurement procedures

Group 6: Lender’s Advisors

4. Client Address
The client's address is for information only. To register interest, access the documentation using the available links. Participants must use the ECEPP message centre for communication with the client.
Vladimir Vukcevic, Dusan Muskatirovic
Green Gvozd
Djoka Mirasevica 17c
Tel. +382 67 381 626; +381 64 8170 173