Ebrd Contract Award Notice
1. Contract Details
Contract Description: The works planned within this scope of project consist of ITransversal road which includes the part before and after the Tunnel 'Kobilja Glava' (starting at chainage km 3 + 400.00 and ending at km 4 + 450.00) and the alignment of the road that starts approx. 31, 50 m behind the Tunnel 'Kobilja Glava', and ends at the chainage km 5 + 100.00. At the beginning of this alignment, construction of the Tunnel 'Kobilja Glava' is planned with two separate tubes for each traffic direction, so the right tunnel tube starts at km 3 + 503.00 and ends at km 4 + 185.00, while the left tunnel tube starts at km 3 + 498.00 and ends at km 4 + 176.00. The length of the right tunnel pipe is L = 682 m, and for the left tunnel pipe is L = 678m. At the chainage of km 3 + 474.22 and km 4 + 180.00 the underpasses for the delevelling pedestrian crossings have been designed. As part of the project, it is necessary to do regulation of watercourse Dumaca, which intersects the alignment of the road at the exit of the Tunnel 'Kobilja Glava', towards Vogosca settlement. The project also envisages drainage of surface (internal) and drainage waters along the tunnel pipes, precisely two separate drainage systems for both groundwater and surface water from the road. Also, the project includes installation of lighting and electric ventilation, fire alarm system, video surveillance and automatic video detection system and telephone call system, installation of axial reversible fans for longitudinal ventilation of tunnel pipes, traffic signals and other necessary road equipment. At the chainage km 5 + 100.00, a roundabout was designed in order to establish a connection with the existing main road M18.
Duration of Contract: 730 days
Date of Contract Signature: 29/04/2022
2. Contracting Party
EURO-ASFALT d.o.o. Sarajevo
Rajlovac bb
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Contract Price: EUR 31,107,281.36
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 31,107,281.36
3. Other Information
No Other Information Provided
4. Client Address
Mrs. Amra Hujdur
Canton Sarajevo, Ministry of Traffic, Road Directorate
Hamida Dizdara 1
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Tel. +387 33 562 430