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Bosnia And Herzegovina: TransCo Variable Shunt Reactor

General Procurement Notice

Project Name: TransCo Variable Shunt Reactor
EBRD Project ID: 53896
Country: Bosnia And Herzegovina
Client Name: Elektroprenos BiH (Transco)
Type of Procurement: Goods,Consultancy
Business Sector: Power and Energy
Notice Type: General Procurement Notice
Publication Date: 17/11/2022 14:58
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a General Procurement Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

General Procurement Notice

1. Funding Details

The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named project.

Additional financing information:
Transco has applied for an EBRD Loan up to an amount of EUR 15.5 million. The project is expected to be cofinanced with Transco's own funds and grant contributions that are still under discussion.

The Project is critical to resolving major problem of high voltages on Bosnia and Herzegovina's transmission network which will enable quality voltage regulation on the B&H's transmission network, reduction of active power losses, increase of reliability and stability of the B&H's transmission network, increase of the life expectancy of the equipment and greater integration of renewable energy sources. Installation of variable shunt reactors will have a positive impact on the voltages in neighbouring countries as they are experiencing the same problem thus enabling cross-border trade and allocation of power transmission capacity.
The project will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services:
a. Supply, construction works and installation of a four 150 MVAr variable shunt reactors and adjacent 400 kV equipment at four locations:
• SS 400/110/x kV Banja Luka 6;
• SS 400/220/110/x kV Mostar 4;
• SS 400/220/110 kV Tuzla 4;
• SS 400/220/110/x kV Visegrad;

b. Other works necessary for the installation of variable shunt reactors including:
• construction works and installation of new connection bay 400 kV in SS Mostar 4,
• Supply and replacement of existing SCADA system in SS Tuzla,
• Integration of new equipment in the existing SCADA systems in SS Banja Luka 6, SS Mostar 4 and SS Visegrad and adaptation of the protection and control systems in all 4 substations.

c. Consultancy services to assist the Project Implementation Unit.

2. Information on the Project

Project Description:
The project aims to implement Variable Shunt Reactors in the Transmission Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Estimated Total Project Value


Procurement Type

Estimated Start Date of Procurement

3. Other Information

Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and are open for participation for firms from any country, unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.

Procurement under this project will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). If you intend to participate in any procurement under this project, please ensure that you have registered in ECEPP ( Registered entities will be notified directly when any procurement opportunities are published.

4. Client Address
Mato Žarić
Elektroprenos BiH
Elektroprenos BiH
Marije Bursać 7a
Banja Luka
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Tel. +38751246500