General Procurement Notice
1. Funding Details
The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named project.
Additional financing information:
The EBRD provides loan and grant funds for the project.
2. Information on the Project
Project Description:
The project will finance the rehabilitation of an estimated 81 km section of 4R156 road and 680m bridge across the Amu Darya River. The road is part of a network that connects Urgench through several towns with the A-380 road, which is a part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation.
Estimated Total Project Value
Procurement Type
Estimated Start Date of Procurement
3. Other Information
Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and are open for participation for firms from any country, unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.
Procurement under this project will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). If you intend to participate in any procurement under this project, please ensure that you have registered in ECEPP ( Registered entities will be notified directly when any procurement opportunities are published.
4. Client Address
PIU Support and Construction Supervision
“Avtoyulinvest” agency
68A, Mustakillik avenue
Tel. (71) 268-97-08