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Egypt: Project Implementation Support and Construction Supervision Services

Invitation For Prequalification

Project Name: Egypt - ENR 10th Ramadan Railway Link
EBRD Project ID: 53544
Country: Egypt
Client Name: Egyptian National Railways - ENR
ECEPP ID: 34475527
Procurement Exercise Name: Project Implementation Support and Construction Supervision Services
Procurement Exercise Description: The consultant provides Project implementation support and construction supervision consultancy services for the ENR Robeiky 10 Ramadan Belbeis railway line Project.
Type of Procurement: Consultancy
Procurement Method: Open Tender Single Stage with PQQ
Business Sector: Infra TMEA
Notice Type: Invitation For Prequalification
Publication Date: 19/12/2024 16:33
Issue Date: 19/12/2024 17:00
Closing Date: 04/02/2025 12:00
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is now closed for response
This opportunity is now closed for all supplier responses. Please refer to the closing date noted on this page.

Invitation For Prequalification

1. Funding Details

The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named contract(s).

Additional financing information:
The contract will be financed by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the EBRD and ENR for the local portion.

2. Information on the Procurement Exercise

Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and are open for participation for firms from any country, unless otherwise specified in the procurement documents.

The type of contract and the procurement method is stated above. A full description of the procurement exercise is available within the documentation and is available free of charge in ECEPP.

The documentation will include such information as: detailed technical and financial requirements; any information on lots; the expected outcome; eligibility and qualification requirements; contract start date; planned contract duration; any response requirements; any other relevant information.

This procurement exercise will be conducted using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). Prospective participants can access the procurement exercise by clicking on the below link or on the 'Access Opportunity' button (if viewing this notice on ECEPP). Registered participants may log in and access the documentation immediately and unregistered participants may do so after completing a brief registration:

3. Other Information
No Other Information Provided.

4. Client Address
The client's address is for information only. To register interest, access the documentation using the available links. Participants must use the ECEPP message centre for communication with the client.
Eng Ghada Hamed
Egyptian National Railways (ENR)
Ramsis square, Cairo
Tel. 002025771896