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Des traductions sont fournies pour aider les utilisateurs. Veuillez noter que toutes les données saisies dans le système doivent l'être uniquement en anglais.
EBRD Project ID: | 44085 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client Name: | Calea Ferata din Moldova (CFM) |
ECEPP ID: | 3622798 |
Procurement Exercise Name: | Supply Of 12-15 Freight Diesel Locomotives And Upgrade Of Basarabeasca Depot Facilities |
Procurement Exercise Description: | Acquisition of new ca 10 multi-purpose locomotives to offer a higher level of service quality, safety and energy efficiency benefits. The supplier will have to provide necesary equipment for Basarabeasca depot to enable an adequate maintenance level |
Business Sector: | Transport |
Notice Type: | Invitation For Tenders Two Stage |
Publication Date: | 16/12/2016 15:36 |
Issue Date: | 16/12/2016 16:00 |
Closing Date: | 09/03/2017 10:00 |
Opportunity Status | |
This opportunity is for information purposes only |
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This opportunity is not yet open for response |
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This opportunity is now open for response |
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This opportunity is now closed for response |
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Access Opportunity | |
This opportunity is now closed for response | |
This opportunity is now closed for all supplier responses. Please refer to the closing date noted on this page. |
The above named client, intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) and set out above and from Client's own funds towards the cost of the above named project. Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules.
Funding Details:
The Project will be co-financed by the EBRD, the EIB and EU NIF.
Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from/ grant administered by the Bank and will be open to firms from any country.
The proceeds of the loan from/ grant administered by the Bank will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the Client's country.
The client now invites tenders for the above mentioned contract(s).
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided a loan to the State Company Calea Ferata din Moldova; (CFM or Moldova Railways) for the implementation of the Moldovan Railways Restructuring Project; (the Project), aiming at the improvement of the railway infrastructure and modernization of the rolling stock in order to enable CFM to enhance efficiency and safety of railway services and to improve the overall performance of its railway operations. EIB is providing a parallel loan to co-finance the Project. This tender aim to assure the acquisition of 12-15 new freight locomotives and rehabilitation of the depots facilities.
The contract is expected to start on 21/08/2017 and last about 18 months plus the warranty period..
A two stage tender procedure will be adopted and will proceed as follows:
(a) the First Stage tender will consist of a technical proposal only, without any reference to prices, and a list of any deviations to the technical and commercial conditions set forth in the tender documents or any alternative technical solutions a tenderer wishes to offer, and a justification therefor, provided always that such deviations or alternative solutions do not change the basic objectives of the project. Following evaluation by the client of the First Stage tenders, the client will invite each tenderer who meets the qualification criteria and who has submitted a technically responsive tender to a clarification meeting. The proposals of all such tenderers will be reviewed at the meeting and all required amendments, additions, deletions and other adjustments will be noted and recorded in a Memorandum. Only qualified tenderers submitting a technically responsive and acceptable First Stage tender will be invited to submit a Second Stage tender.
(b) the Second Stage tender will consist of an updated technical tender incorporating all changes required by the Employer as recorded in the Memorandum to the clarification meeting or as necessary to reflect any amendments to the tender documents issued subsequent to submission of the First Stage tender; and the commercial tender.
First Stage tenders must be submitted by the time and date above mentioned.
This tender will be conducted by e-procurement using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). Interested firms should register on ECEPP at this link:
and express an interest in the tender.The tender documents are available for registered firms to view free of charge on ECEPP. Full conditions for participation are included in the tender documents (tender data section).
Prospective tenderers who have registered in ECEPP and expressed an interest in the tender may access the tender documents free of charge and may request clarification and further information from the client through ECEPP.
Client Address:
Grigore Condurache
Calea Ferata din Moldova (CFM)
str. Vlaicu Pircalab, 48, Chisinau, 2012, Moldova
Tel. +373 22 834 438, Email: