Invitation For Tenders Single
The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from, or Grant administered by, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ('the Bank') for the above named project. Additional financing details are as follows:
Loan and grant from the Bank towards the cost of JSC Oshelectro and Vostokelectro Rehabilitation Project in the sum of EUR 11 milion
Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from/ grant administered by the Bank and will be open to firms from any country.
The client now invites tenders for the above mentioned contract(s). Additional description is as follows:
Lot 1: Truck with a crane (big), Wheel excavator and Crane-boring (drilling) machine.
Lot 2: Truck with a crane (big) 2 (two) pcs, Auto-lift telescopic type 2 (two) pcs.
The contract is expected to start on 31/05/2019 and last about 4 Month.
This opportunity is divided into 2 lots.
Tenderers may bid for a maximum of 2 lots.
Lot 1
Description: Procurement of specialized machineries
Lot 2
Description: Procurement of specialized machineries
This tender will be conducted by e-procurement using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). Interested firms should register on ECEPP at this link:
The proceeds of the loan from/ grant administered by the Bank will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law or official regulation of the Client's country.
Prospective tenderers who have registered in ECEPP and expressed an interest in the tender may access the tender documents free of charge and may request clarification and further information from the client through ECEPP. Full conditions for participation are included in the tender documents (tender data section).
Client Address:
Mr. Nursultan Joroev
JSC Oshelectro
Razzakov str. 19a, Osh, 71400, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel. 0553 11 87 87, Email: