Request For Proposals
The above named client intends to use part of the proceeds of a loan from/grant administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of the above named project. Contracts will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules.
Funding Details:
a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank), Grant administered by the Bank, Co-financed
The contract will be co-financed in equal parts by EBRD Loan and EBRD Administered Grant
The proceeds of the loan from/ grant administered by the Bank will be open to firms from any country unless otherwise specified and will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, of for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the Client's country.
The Client now intends to select and contract a consulting company (the Consultant) for the above named assignment. The selection method (procurement method) is shown above and interested firms or groups of firms are invited to submit a Technical and Financial Proposal.
The expected outcome of the assignment is as follows:
The services to be engaged will establish a complete and up-to date record of relevant data on Vodokanal properties, plant and equipment and then develop an Electronic Assets Management System integrated with a GIS platform capturing key Vodokanal water assets including plants and networks. The main purpose of the maps will be mainly for inventory and maintenance planning. All water & wastewater networks including potable water reservoirs and pumping stations, as well as water and wastewater treatment plants need to be mapped and geo-referenced. With a proper GIS and asset management system in place, Vodokanal’s water & wastewater services infrastructure can be better managed and maintained.
The selected consultant is expected to provide the following services:
The objectives of the assignment are as follow:
Develop, supply and create the Mailuu Suu Water & Wastewater GIS at the Vodokanal. This GIS will provide accurate geo-referenced Vodokanal’s assets information which will enable proper location of assets, maintenance and operations planning.
Build in-house capacity by providing detailed hands-on and classroom training to Vodokanal staff. This will ensure that Vodokanal staff can continue operation and maintenance of the installed GIS to ensure continuous updates and capturing new system extensions and improvements beyond the project duration
This GIS will enable Vodokanal to capture, analyze, and display assets and their locations and support a robust ordered maintenance structure. This will improve operational efficiency and management of Water Supply & Wastewater Assets.
The Consulting firm is expected to be experienced in developing and deploying GIS and Asset management Systems within the past 10 years and have the following key staff:
I. Project Manager –Team leader
II Water Distribution Network Specialist
III GIS Expert
IV Asset Management Expert
The assignment is expected to start on 14/08/2019 and have an estimated overall duration of 7 months.
Cost Estimate (exclusive of VAT) :
EUR 200,000.00
Response Requirements:
In order to determine the capability and experience of consultants seeking to be selected, the consultant shall submit a response in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation available from the link in this notice. Following this request for proposals, the selection will be made from the proposals received in response to this notification only, on the basis of the selection criteria set out in the procurement documentation. The highest-ranked consultant will be selected and be invited to negotiate the contract, subject to availability of funding.
This consultant selection will be conducted by e-procurement using the EBRD Client E-Procurement Portal (ECEPP). Prospective participants who have registered in ECEPP and expressed an interest in the contract may access the documents and may request clarification and further information from the client through ECEPP. Non-registered firms should register on ECEPP at this link:
and express an interest in this assignment. The RFP for this assignment is available for firms registered in ECEPP free of charge at the above link. Full conditions for participation are included in the documents. Prospective consultants may request clarification and further information from the client through ECEPP. Following submission, qualified firms will be ranked on the basis of the criteria set out in the RFPS and the highest ranked consultant will be selected to negotiate the contract, subject to availability of funding.
Client Address:
Mr. Mairambek Jarkulov,
Director of Mailuu-Suu Municipal Enterprise "Gorvodokanal"
Mailuu-Suu Municipal Enterprise "Gorvodokanal"
Lenina Street, , Mailuu-Suu City, 721100, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel. 996 39 443 16 48, Email: