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Montenegro: Supervision of Works

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Project Name: Main Roads Reconstruction project
EBRD Project ID: 49075
Country: Montenegro
Client Name: The Transport Administration
ECEPP ID: 8670122
Procurement Exercise Name: Supervision of Works
Procurement Method: Consultancy Two Stage Open
Business Sector: Transport
Notice Type: Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Publication Date: 29/11/2019 14:10
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Tender/Contract Reference No: 8670122: Supervision of Works

Scope Of Contract: The overall objective of the Assignment is to facilitate the timely and effective implementation of the Project by providing professional assistance to the Client in the administration of the Contracts in accordance with the Terms of Reference with due diligence and ensuring high standards quality execution and successful completion of the project works resulting in the timely issue of the Taking-over certificates and a Performance Certificates at the end of construction and Defects Notification Period (DNP).

Duration of Contract:

Contract Award Date: 18/12/2019

Awarded Tenderer(s):


Proposal Price (in evaluation currency): EUR 1,500,000.00
Proposal Price (Euro Equivalent): € 1,500,000.00

Is this a JVCA: Yes

JVCA Details:
IRD Engineering Srl
Lungotevere delle Navi 30
Rome, Italy, 00196
Lead partner: Yes
PPG Društvo za projektovanje i građenje d.o.o. Sarajevo
Hamdije Čemerlića No. 2
Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 71000
Lead partner: No

Evaluated Tenderer(s):

ALTINOK & ICT Joint Venture and Sub-Consultant DECOM Montenegro

Is this a JVCA: Yes

JVCA Details:
ALTINOK Consulting Engineering Inc. (ALTINOK Musavirlik Muhendislik A.S.)
Seyrantepe Mah. Ibrahim Karaoglanoglu Cad. , Altinok Plaza No: 37 Kat:1 , Kagithane
Istanbul, Turkey, 34418
Lead partner: Yes
Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd.
A - 8, Green Park
New Delhi, India, 110016
Lead partner: No

Eptisa Servicios de Ingenieria S.L.
Emilio Munoz 35-37, 28037 Madrid, Spain, Madrid, 28037, Spain

Is this a JVCA: No

Joint Venture of INSTITUT IGH, d.d. and PROJEKT d.d. Nova Gorica

Is this a JVCA: Yes

JVCA Details:
Janka Rakuše 1
Zagreb, Croatia, 10000
Lead partner: Yes
PROJEKT d.d. Nova Gorica
Kidričeva 9a
Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 5000
Lead partner: No

SAFEGE and SPEA Joint Venture

Is this a JVCA: Yes

JVCA Details:
Parc de l’île - 15/27, rue du Port
Nanterre Cedex, France, F92022
Lead partner: Yes
Spea Engineering S.p.A.
Via Bergamini no. 50
Rome, Italy, 00159
Lead partner: No

Temelsu International Engineering Services Inc.
Yildizevler 721. Sokak No:6, Cankaya, Ankara, 06550, Turkey

Is this a JVCA: No